Warm Up:6:00 AMRAP- Partner Up Partner 1 is stationed on one side of the gym and partner 2 is on the opposite side. The clock begins on your count and partner 1 does 6 Abmat sit-ups as quickly as possible while partner 2 holds a plank. Partner 2 is only allowed to come out of plank once they are tagged by partner 1 who has to run all the way across the gym upon completion of the sit-ups to tag in their partner.
Mobility: Wrist and ankle stretches x :40-:60 Hawaiian squats 6-8 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnw_7_U_fJU&index=6& Front rack drill x 3 cycles with partner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjzjpBp4A-M&
Skill: front squat 3reps @70% 2 sets of 3 reps@73%
WOD: complex 8 sets Hang clean Push press Clean ( power or squat) Split jerk
Then... Clean pulls 5 reps@108% 5 reps@113% 5 reps@118%
* record heaviest load from the complex