Warm Up:2 lengths shuffle 10 x band pass thrus while in a squat 2 lengths high knees 10 x squat jumps 2 lengths leg swings 10 x ball slams
Mobility: Thread the needle stretch x :20 hold each side T-spine pulses on foam roller x 10 Banded pec stretch x :30 each side Wrist pulses x 10
Primer: Turkish Get Ups 3 sets of 2 TGU each side. Build load
WOD: EMOMs no extra rest 5:00 EMOM 3 pull ups + 2 c2b pull ups + 1 bar muscle up Or 3 ring rows + 2 strict pull ups + 1 ring dip
6:00 EMOM 15 KB swings 72/53
7:00 EMOM 20 Double unders + 8 push ups Sub 5 attempts at DUs