Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up 3 rounds at warm up pace 200m run 12 goblet curtsy squats (6 each side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xClhGjz7p0A 12 clamshell planks (6 each side)- hold for :03 at the top of each rep  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpy5PZTFVYw One round of the kip cadence-  2 kip swings + 2 tuck ups + 2 TTB

Primer: hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly

then..https://www.instagram.com/p/BihkPFqh5nP/?taken-by=marcusfilly (just the first two exercises on here)

Glute bridge V walk out x 6 reps

Shrimp squats x 12 reps ( 6 each side)

Skill:  Stamina Squats week 6

On the 2:00 for 6 sets

2 fronts squats + 4 back squats @ 70-85% 1RM front squat


5 Rounds

30 secs TTB- hanging knee raises

30 secs rest

30 secs burpee box jumps  24/20"

30 secs rest

* record all reps- write down the lowest round