Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up:Row/Run/Bike 400m then 2 rounds of: 10x lateral cross over step ups 10x squat jumps 10x empty bar behind the neck push press

Mobility: banded lat stretch x :30 each side Wrist stretches x each position for :30 band assisted upper anterior chain opener x 1:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxPiBVJSqK4&index=10& wall squat stretch x 1:00 hold- lay down as close to a wall as possible, keep your back flat and put your feet on the wall in the squat position. Use your hands to pull apart the legs.


Primer: 2 sets of 200m Farmer Carry 0-50m KB front racked 50-100m Left arm extended overhead, right arm front racked 100-150m Right arm extended overhead, left arm front racked 150-200m KB farmer carry at the side rest as needed and then repeat the 200m

WOD Buy In: 200 DUs or 400 singles 4 Rounds 15 pull ups- sub ring rows or barbell racked with seated pull ups 7 S2OH 135/95 or 95/65- barbell starts from the floor