Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up:250m row/run or bike 2 rounds of: 6 spiderman lunges 5 deep squat progressions 4 slow push ups 3 OHS with pvc 2 strict pulls 1 high five to a buddy

Mobility: 20 banded face pulls 20 banded tricep extensions 10 slow wall squats

Barbell Warm Up 5 Good Mornings 5 Back Squats 5 Elbow Rotations 5 Strict Presses 5 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5 Front Squats

Skill: squat clean EMOM 8:00 1 x squat clean- athlete decides to build load or remain constant across- Starting at 60-65% 1 RM

WOD 18:00 EMOM min 1-2, 7-8, 13-14 TGU x 2 reps each side or muscle up drills and practice min 3-4, 9-10, 15-16 alternate pistols x 10-14 reps or handstand walk drills and practice min 5-6, 11-12, 17-18 L-sit hold on boxes or parallettes x :45 (accumulate)

HS walk drills: 1. kick to handstand on wall with hands turned out x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0W7jNwjSRw&feature=youtu.be 2. Back-to-Wall donkey kicks x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTqwsG79524&feature=youtu.be 3. Handstand walk parallel to wall x 4 feet in each direction

Muscle up drills: 1. Speed swings x 6 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unRNtf1jeGg 2. Rowing Transition Lifters on Low Rings x 6 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNJip5NsVso&feature=youtu.be 3. Pop swing x 5 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4Q9JDRcAac&feature=youtu.be