Warm Up500m row or 400m run 10 PVC thrusters 10 Walking lunges 5 inchworms 5 deep squat progressions
Mobility: 4 position wrist stretches x :30 each Banded hip flexor stretch x 1:00 each side
WOD As many rounds and reps in 40 minutes: Shuttle Run x 5 (ramp to ramp- out and back is 1 rep) Russian Step Ups x 20 reps (10 reps per leg to a 20″ box) Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps Row x 20/15 calories Burpees x 15 reps Push Presses x 20 reps 45/35# Sled Push x pylon and back 2/1 plates on sled
*Russian step up is one foot on the box, when you get to the top of the box drive the other knee up and stand up tall before coming down off the box