Warm Up2:00 row or bike 2 rounds of: 10 muscle cleans 10 barbell RDLs 5 foot on ground or foot wrapped pistols- each side 5 inchworms
Mobility: Banded Scarecrow x 1:30
and then …
One set of: Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaAsxl0OfIc Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHHWOrEelSM&index=4
and then …
Forward Arm Swings x 10 reps Reverse Arm Swings x 10 reps Bear Hug Arm Swings x 10 reps Over and Back Arm Swings x 10 reps Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Skill: 6 sets of 1 halting clean deadlift + 1 hang clean build to your 65%over the 6 sets- work perfect technique with light weight *halting clean DL- push the legs to separate the bar from the floor smoothly. Maintain the same back angle and shift the weight to the front edge of the heel as the bar moves toward the knees. Continue pushing with the legs, maintaining the balance over the front edge of the heel, and allow the shoulders to move forward slightly to each the mid-hang position. Hold the mid-hang position for 3 seconds. Return the bar to the floor at a controlled speed, trying to move through the same correct positions on the way down
WOD 21-15-9 Push jerks 95/65 Cals row Rest 4:00 21-15-9 Power cleans 95/65 DUs or singles x 2