Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up300m row or bike 20 DUs 10 front squats -empty bar 5 push press- empty bar then.. 30 Second Side Plank (left) 30 Second Shoulder circles in the plank position 30 Second Side Plank (right) Rest 15 seconds 30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar Rest 15 seconds Kettlebell Windmill x 5 reps each side - two hands on the KB as you swing it around your waist

Clean Warm Up: empty barbell 5 clean grip RDLs 5 clean high pulls 5 muscle cleans 5 front squats 5 clean grip push press 5 tall cleans 5 hang power cleans 5 cleans below the knee


WOD Teams of 2 Complete 2000m row 1 person rows, 1 person completes one round of:

3 Muscle ups 4 Squat cleans 135/95 4 Jerks 135/95

After each round partners switch until the 2K row is complete

Intermediate 3 C2B pulls + 3 ring dips 4 Squat cleans 115/75 4 Jerks 115/75

Scaled 6 Ring rows 4 Squat cleans 95/65 4 Jerks 95/65