Warm Up1:00 jump rope :30 mini-band monster walk 1:00 jumping jacks :30 banded glute bridges :30 clam shells 1:00 Lateral Knee Drive Hops- this is a skater with a knee drive to a hop
Skill: Cleans
2 sets of 5 reps of Tall Clean + FS + Jerk 45/35 2 sets of 5 reps of Tall Clean + FS+ Jerk 65/55
3 Position Clean- try squat cleans if you can 3 sets of the following at 65-70% 1x high hang clean 1x mid patella clean 1x from the ground clean
Clean EMOM mins 1-3 2 reps @ 70% min 4 1 rep @ 75% min 5 1 rep @ 80% min 6 1 rep @ 85% mins 7-8 1 rep @90%
Finisher: clean pulls at 90-105% 3 sets of 2 pulls
WOD: 12-9-6-3 Back squats 155/105 Box jumps 24/20"