01.14.19 Team of 3
Warm Up
2:00 cardio
2 rounds:
lateral box step ups x 5 each side
hip bridges with heels on a box x 10 reps
sumo inchworm x 5 reps - walk hands out with legs wide and then walk hands back to feet while keeping leg straight and sending the butt high
single arm high pull with KB x 5 each side- light
single arm overhead carry x 75 feet each side- moderately heavy
nerve flossing x 10 reps https://vimeo.com/127208120
deep squat progressions x 10 reps
wall slides with feet in a butterfly position seated next to the wall x 10 reps
Barbell Warm Up
5 good mornings + 5 elbow rotations
5 back squats + 5 hang muscle cleans
5 stiff legged deadlifts + 5 front squats
3 power cleans + 3 squat cleans + 3 push jerks
Team of 3
AMRAP 7:00
70 cal row
max clean & jerk 135/95 115/80 95/65
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 6:00
60 cal row
max power snatch 115/80 95/65 75/55
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 5:00
50 cal row
max thrusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
one work, two rest- divide rowing and reps however teams choose