Warm Up
2 rounds
9/6 cals row or bike
10 x slower down, faster up tempo air squats
10 x thoracic rotations each side https://vimeo.com/232531289
10 x nerve flossing https://vimeo.com/127208120
Mobility: shoulders- tight???
1️⃣Foam roll lats x 60 seconds per side
2️⃣Straight arm bench extensions x 8
3️⃣Deep squat on wall pullovers x 8
4️⃣Angled barbell press to overhead glide x 8
**angled barbell should be put in a corner of a squat rack**
Primer: 3 sets
20 shoulder taps in a plank position (10 each side)- pause 2 seconds on the tap- try not to rotate hips
1 wall walk + 30 second handstand hold + walk back down
rest as needed
Barbell warm up (empty barbell)
5 good mornings + 5 elbow rotations
5 back squats + 5 hang muscle cleans
5 stiff legged deadlifts + 5 front squats
3 power cleans + 3 hang squat cleans + 3 squat cleans
For Time
40 power cleans
30 thrusters
RX- 115/75
Intermediate- 95/65
Scaled- 75/55