Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
200m row or bike
25 double unders or single unders
4-6 slow eccentric pull ups

200m row or bike
20 lateral hops over a line on the floor
6-8 slow to fast air squats

200m row or bike
15 abmat sit ups
8-10 ring rows with a 2 second pause at the top and a slow descend

parallette shoulder extensions x 6 reps
shoulder taps x 10/side
banded lat stretch x 30 seconds/side

Gymnastics Skill Work
EMOM x 9min

Min 1: 30sec Handstand Walk- sub handstand hold on wall, handstand hold on box, scooter walks

Min 2: 2 Rope Climbs

Min 3: Rest

Skill: DB single arm press
take 10-12:00 to build to a 5 RM single arm DB press- weight needs to be the same on both sides

slam ball squat clean + jerk (aka clusters)
double unders or x 2 singles

November Rowing Challenge
Workout 7

EMOM x 20:00

30 second row for cals/ 30 sec rest

Workout 8
4 sets for consistency
2:00 max cals
2:00 rest

Workout 9
EMOM until failure
16/13 cals row

RX+ 20/16
Scaled 14/11 or 12/9