Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm up

400m row/bike

10 empty bar thrusters
10 dead bugs

300m row/bike

10 KB swings

10 2- legged pistols keep knees and feet together as you squat

200m row/bike

5 x the kip cadence complex: 2 kip swings + 2 knees to chest + 2 ttb

Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs63CMsAfNe/

T-spine foam roll x 1:00
T-spine extensions x 3-4 extensions on three different spots
T-spine overhead mobilizations x 10 reps
Heel sit thoracic rotations x 10 reps/side
Deep squat progressions x 10 reps with single arm raises only, no standing in between each one

For Time
30 TTB- sub hanging knee raises
10/8 cals bike
40 KB swings 53/35
8/6 cals bike
50 wall balls 20/14 to 10' target men and women
10/8 cals bike
40 KB swings
8/6 cals bike
30 sit ups

Post WOD abs
3 sets of
10-12 kneeling pallof press each side
rest 15 seconds
12 ab roll outs- you can use the yellow scooters for this or a barbell with plates