4 Sets:
5 Muscle Snatch from Hip
5 Power Snatch from Above Knee
5 Power Snatch from Below Knee
5 Fabulous Burpees + 5 tight kip swings
Mobility: hips + rotator cuff with yellow mini-band only!!
Hips: https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPG8VYH2g5/ (first two in video only)
1. ISO hold- move one leg 10 reps, then switch
2. Hip flexion- 10 reps each side
Rotator Cuff:
1. ISO hold 10 seconds x 3
2. presses
3. external rotation
4. pulsing
5. external rotation overhead
4 sets
2 power snatch + 2 thrusters + 2 C2B pull ups
add load per round
3 Rounds ( 8 minutes per round)
2min AMRAP
3x burpees over the bar
6x CTB pull ups
9x Thrusters 95/65lbs
Rest 2 min
2min AMRAP
3x burpees over the bar
6x power snatches 95/65lbs
9x TTB
Rest 2 min and start over