05.11.19 Bring a Friend Day
Bring a Friend Day
16:00 AMRAP
with a partner alternating rounds, one person has to complete an entire round before switching
1 strict pull up + 2 push ups + 3 air squats
2 strict pull ups + 4 push ups + 6 air squats
3 strict pull ups + 6 push ups + 9 air squats
keep adding one rep to the pull ups, 2 reps to the push ups, and 3 reps to the squats until time runs out.
Rest 4:00
as a team for max reps
2 rounds of:
1:00 max burpees
1:00 max wall balls 20/14
1:00 max double unders or singles
*team scores for today should include reps on part one and then total reps for both partners on round two