06.28.19 Partner WOD
Warm Up
12:00 continuous
100m run
5 each side landmine press + reach thru to stretch the shoulder
5 ring rows
5 each side spiderman + reach lunges
5 each side DB snatch
then... 2 sets of 6 face pull + Y press with OHS
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/Byp3_NUHBfy/drill for improving the OHS position
Skill: snatch balance + OHS
6 sets of 1 snatch balance + 2 OHS
start at 50% 1RM snatch and build load
with a partner
10 rounds each
200m row
one partner finishes the 200m row before the other partner can start on the same rower. Don't reset the rower. Time after 20 total rounds is your team score.