Warm Up
3 rounds:
100m run
10 x small playground ball squeeze glute bridge - put the ball between the knees, lift in the bridge position and hold 3-5 seconds
8 x Cossack squats/side - increase ROM as you warm up
2 rounds/ side DB complex: 2 windmills + 1 OHS + 2 press in the squat
Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw3QhUwFm3z/
T-spine mobility
a. quadruped pull away from the ground- thread the needle x 8/side
b. shoulder blade ROM x 10
c. quadruped lat stretch x 8/side
d. modified pigeon with rotation x 8/side
Banded Lat pull downs x 20 with band on rig
Banded face pulls x 20
Barbell Warm Up
4 x 1 slow pull clean (squat) https://catalystathletics.com/exercise/366/Slow-Pull-Clean/
1- 60%
2- 65%
3- 70%
4- 75%
Part A. Power Clean Quickie
5 power cleans 205/135 155/105 135/95
10 power cleans 185/125 135/95 115/75
15 power cleans 155/105 115/75 95/65
Part B. For Time
hang power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
ring dips- or toe assisted or negatives https://www.instagram.com/p/Bul-aDiA95c/