Tangletown CrossFit

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09.12.19 Buddy Row

Warm Up

2 sets of:

100m run
Single Arm KB Press x 5 reps (right)
Single Arm KB Push Press x 5 reps (right)
Single Arm KB Press x 5 reps (left)
Single Arm KB Push Press x 5 reps (left)
KB goblet squats x 8 reps -slow to fast tempo

Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/B01JwR7AYJk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
-A great way to work on internal & external rotation while also working on thoracic spine strength and extension.
•Start with thumbs up & keep them up as long as you can.
•Then turn thumbs inward as you guide thumbs towards your back.
•Return the same way

Banded posterior ankle distraction x 45 sec each side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me8xYaHgOF4

Skill: EMOM x 9:00
min 1: seated good mornings x 15 reps with empty barbell
min 2: single arm overhead carry x 50 feet/side - moderate load
min 3: hollow rocks x 15 or hollow hold x 20 seconds

Buddy Row for Calories
with a partner, one rows, one rests
10 RFT (5 rounds each partner)
10 cals row each round
*person A rows 10 cals, then person B rows 10 cals until a total of 10 rounds is complete for time

If Time: Cool Down

2-3 Rounds for quality
L Hang: 15 seconds or Hanging Bent Knee Hold: 15 seconds
Curl Ups: x 10 with 5 count hold at the top https://vimeo.com/204093491
1 Arm Farmer Carry: 30 seconds each arm, go heavy enough to feel it
Alternating Push Up Ts: x 10 https://vimeo.com/130766564

Mobility Challenge
Spend 1 minute pigeon pose (R)
Spend 1 minute pigeon pose (L)
Spend 2 minutes seated cross shin pose (R)
Spend 2 minutes seated cross shin pose (L)
Spend 3 minutes saddle pose
Spend 2 minutes puppy dog pose