Warm Up
2 sets
10/side MB rotational throws against the wall (brick)
10 deadbugs
10/side shoulder taps
Glute Primer
2 setsbanded lateral walk to the right for 10 steps + 5 banded air squats
banded lateral walk to the left for 10 steps + 5 banded air squats
5/side banded kick backs
5/side banded lateral abduction
Back squat
4 sets of 5 reps at 65, 70, 70, 75%
8:00 EMOM
min1: snatch grip barbell RDL x 8 reps - increase load every round
min 2: banded good mornings x 20 reps
min 3: ring rows x 8-12 reps
min 4: bottom's up KB carry 2 lengths of the gym- one length each side
Invasion of the Barbell Snatchers
14:00 AMRAP
4 HSPU sub piked hspu on a box 8 KB swings 53/35
12 wall balls 20/14 2 power snatches 135/95 95/65
*increase power snatches by 2 reps each round until time cap