Warm Up
4 sets
5 elevated single leg glute bridge/leg + 10 second isometric hold at the top of last rep
10 alternating single leg v-up
8 feet hips up bear crawl
2 sets of
30 seconds alternating underswitches https://youtu.be/Yrgx959kdME
30 seconds burpee to sumo squat jump
Positional Work
3 sets
1. Mixed rack overhead squat @3111 x 4-5/arm OR
body weight single arm prisoner overhead squat OR
barbell OHS @3111 x 8 -10reps
2. DB star plank x 30-40 seconds/side OR
body weight star plank
Rest 60 seconds between sets
2 rounds
run 300m or 100 DUs or 200 singles
50 single DB hang clean & jerks 50/35 35/20
50 single DB reverse lunges
50 deadlifts light