Warm Up
4 Sets
6-8/arm – Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press @ 2010 tempo
10 steps Lateral Band Walks/side
10 Scapular Push Ups on Elbows
small plates
1. T's x 10
2. W's x 10
3. touchdowns x 10
5-7 deep squat progressions
5/side thoracic rotations + thread the needle
"Slippery Slope"
For Time
1100m/1000m row or Run 1000m- weather is going to be super nice!!
100 DUs
40 KB swings 53/35
30 TTB or 50 lat pull downs
20 push press 95/65 75/55
10 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
20 push press 95/65 75/55
30 TTB
40 KB swings 53/35
100 DUs
1100m/1000m row or Run 1000m