Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
Hot Start
8:00 EMOM
each minute complete 5 barbell push press + 5/side DB gorilla rows- make the DB weight heavier.

Strength: Quads and Glutes- at Home
3 sets
1. leg behind goblet squat x 5 each side
2. single arm KB rack squat- slow down and no pauses at the bottom or top of squat x 10
3. goblet kick stand pistol squat x 5 each side
4. KB curtsy squat x 5 each side
5. horn grip narrow stance or feet together squats x 10

Strength: back squats
5 sets
Start at your 50%

Using an empty barbell

3 Rounds
5 Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 Power Snatch

"20th Century"
every 5:00 for 3 sets
7 snatch (power or squat) 115/75
5 snatch 135/95
3 snatch 155/105
1 snatch 165/115


“20th Century” at home
12:00 AMRAP
5 goblet Cossack squats right side
10 tall kneeling windmill right side https://youtu.be/wUDvYP0U9Yg
30 second extended plank hold
5 goblet Cossack squats left side
10 tall kneeling windmill left side
30 second hamstring plank https://youtu.be/3at9ULJrx1U