Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
10 cals bike or row
5 deep squat progressions
10 cals bike or row
60 seconds over/under a band across the rig
10 cals bike or row
5 deep squat progressions
30 seconds bear crawl

Super Set x 3 sets

single leg posted RDLs x 10 each side with tempo 3111
deadbugs- slowly- x 10/side

Skill:  sumo deadlifts  https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AFYVBBzFs/
Key points:
Sit back
Knees out
Chest up
Push through heels
Be patient off the floor - especially important with sumo
Fairly vertical shins form front and side views
Bar skims legs
Leg press off the floor

8-6-4-2-2 reps


For Time
3 rounds
round one:
14 (7/side) tall kneeling to standing with KBs front racked  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzNHWAOVcH0   35/26   26/18 or use DBs
20 KB swings  53/35
300m row
round two:
14 tall kneeling to standing
30 KB swings
400m row
round three:
14 tall kneeling to standing
40 KB swings
500m row