Warm Up
2 Sets of:
all with an empty barbell
300m row/bike
5 good mornings
5 presses from behind the neck
5 muscle cleans
5 power cleans
5 tall cleans
box stretch x 5 deep breaths
dead bugs x 10/side
no hands front squat with empty bar x 10
pause squat for 3 seconds x 5
Skill: cleans
A. clean pulls x 3 reps x 3 sets
work at 60%, 65%, 70%
B. 5 sets every 2:00
3 high hang cleans
2 hang cleans
1 power clean
build load starting at 60%
4 Sets
20/15 cals bike or 30/25 cals row
*cleans- squat or power
*round one- 9 cleans 165/125
*round two- 12 cleans 135/95
*round three- 15 cleans 95/65
*round four- 18 cleans 75/55
Post WOD- if time
Core Conditioning
2 sets of:
1) 10 V-Ups
2) 10 Lateral Medball Toss against Wall (right)
3) 10 Lateral Medball Toss against Wall (Left)
4) 40sec hold of choice- handstand hold, hollow hold, L-sit, plank, squat hold...
Rest as needed
March Movement: Pull Ups
Strength Work
Option A- trying to get your first strict pull up
ring row negatives x 5 reps with a 5 second negativeDB lateral raises x 10 reps - focus on tempo- slow movement out and back, elbows not locked, no hip swinging, core and lats engaged
Option B- for those who have 3 or more strict pull ups
pull ups negativesx 3-5 reps with a 5 second descendDB pull overs x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK4rHfWKEa
Pull Up Work
Option A -Complete 5 sets: 15 second active hollow hold on bar + 5 challenging ring rows with a 2 second count at the top
-Complete 5 sets: feet on the box under rig for 5 toe spot assisted strict pull ups- focus on getting the box set up where you are on your tippy toes and the bar is just under the chin. Stay in a hollow position, rib cage in, lats engaged- active position the entire movement.
Option B- 5 sets
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 5 strict pull ups
15 second active hollow hold on rig + 4 strict pull ups
continue with one less strict pull ups each round. rest as needed between rounds.