Tangletown CrossFit

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03.25.2020 Murph Training

2 rounds
half kneeling DB single arm press x 8/side
20 frog pumps
50 feet shuffle each side
50 feet skipping for height
50 feet skipping for distance
single arm DB high pulls x 8/side

2 rounds
yoga push ups x 5
shoulder taps x 10
Cuban press with stick or dowel or PVC x 10
wall slides x 10

Skill: RDLs
 3 sets of single side RDL x 10/side using whatever load you have

For Time
1 mile run
200 air squats
1 mile run
100 air squats

scaled version (since most of us haven't been running)
800m run
100 air squats
400m run
50 air squats