Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
3 rounds
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Right
10 single side hip bridges + 15 second single leg isometric hold- Left
8/side drop lunge to knee lift https://youtu.be/CmwXTx8maOE

Strength Set
4 sets
A. 10 reps sumo deadlifts with a tempo 31x1
B. 8 reps/side Bulgarian split squats with a tempo 2110
C. 10 reps/side Cossack squats with a tempo 30X0

3 rounds for time
Run 200m sub 50 jumping jacks
10 box jumps or step ups
20 DB thrusters- alternate DB every 5 reps
30 Russian twists R+L = 2 reps
Rest 2:00