Warm Up
3 Sets
20 Frog Pump + 20sec Isometric Contraction at top of last rep
8-10 Goblet Curtsy Step Down/leg (box height below knee)
-rest as needed-
snatch balance + OHS 3 sets of 3 + 3
tall snatch high pull + tall muscle snatch 3 sets of 3 + 2
snatch 3 sets of 3 reps building load - or at home 3 x 3 reps slow motion snatch
"Double Trouble"
For Time
*lifts can be power or squat*
15 snatch @40% 1 RM
30 cleans @ the same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
10 snatch @ 50% 1 RM
20 cleans @ the same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
5 snatch @ 55-60% 1RM
10 cleans @ same weight as your snatch
20 Cossack squats @ 30x1
At home
16 alternating DB snatch
30 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats
10 alternating DB snatch
20 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats
6 alternating DB snatch
12 hang power cleans
20 Cossack squats