Warm Up
400m run
10 empty bar thrusters
10 each side dead bugs
300m run- go around to the right of the garage door
50 single unders
10 2- legged pistols keep knees and feet together as you squat
200m run
20 banded glute bridges
Clean warm up with empty barbell
- Burgener Warm up https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1rOjbgILs/
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat
Primer: 3-position power cleans
5 sets of 1+1+1
mid-thigh, knee, shin
"Jump Train"
1 round:
800m run
80 DUs
21 hang power cleans 115/75
2 rounds:
400m run
15 hang power cleans 115/75
3 rounds:
200m run
20 DUs
9 hang power cleans 115/75