Warm up
3 rounds
1️. Half Kneeling Chop and Lift x 10/side - KB starts low at the hip and lifts across the body to high over the shoulder and back.
2️. Rotational KB Press -x 8/side -Start facing forward with a single KB racked, and as you press rotate the body 90 degrees.
3️. Half kneeling KB halos x 8 each knee out- grab the bell of the KB, right leg out and rotate around the face clockwise for 4 reps and then counter clockwise for 4 reps, then switch legs out.
A. single arm KB press + windmill
B. prone PVC press
C. squat + Cuban press with small plates
D. side plank + external rotation with small plate
3 sets
A. half kneeling barbell press @ 20X0 4-5 reps/knee
B. front rack drop back lunges @30X0 8-10 reps per side
Barbell warm up- 3 reps of each
Romanian Deadlifts
muscle cleans
front squats
strict press
good mornings
back squats
"Dive Bomber"
7 rounds for time
200m Run
6 shoulder to overhead 135/95 115/75 95/65
Rest 1:00