Tangletown CrossFit

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09.19.2020 Team of 3

Warm Up
3 rounds of:

10 banded monster walks each direction
10 walking lunges- 5 each side
5 yoga push ups
10 squat press out with a light plate- press the plate out and back at the bottom of the squat5 empty bar hang power cleans

Mobility: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0fgTJgGGe/

1. Wide stance rock on forearms x 12 reps
2. Split stance rock to tall split knee x 8 reps/side
3. Russian baby makers x 10 reps4. Spiderman rocks x 8 reps/side

"Power house"
Teams of 350-40-30-20-10
Hang power clean
Every 1:00 on the minute all team members complete 3 burpees
RX 135/95
Scaled 95/65
1 work at a time.