warm up
2-3 sets
20 feet lateral banded walk/direction
20 feet quadruped crawl forward and backward
12 goblet tall kneeling to standing- 6/leg
12 goblet good morning
Shoulder warm up
"A&R"- hold on tight!!!
4 rounds
5:00 EMOM
min 1- 4 burpees
min 2- 4 burpees + 4 TTB
min 3- 4 burpees + 4 TTB + 4/side DB snatch 40/30 20/15
min 4- 4 burpees + 4 TTB + 4/side DB snatch + 4 TTB
min 5- 4 burpees + 4 TTB + 4/side DB snatch + 4 TTB + 4 burpees
sub for TTB- abmat sit ups
**if, or when, you don't make the 5th minute, be ready to start minute one over at 4 burpees.
Cool Down
1:00 butterfly stretch- feet are together at the soles with the knees out. Try to get the knees close to the ground.
1:00/side couch stretch
2:00 child's pose