Warm Up
2 rounds
4-5 reps each side perfect stretch walk
5 reps deep squat progressions
5 reps yoga push ups
5 reps each side drop back lunge to knee lift
Mobility- thoracic
Complete 2 rounds of 10 reps of each exercise with light DB/KBs.
1] 9090 Y's - this exercise is great because the ground gives us a lot of feedback. If the low back is arching to compensate we will feel it lift off the ground. Keep it locked down as you raise your arms overhead. This will extend the upper back and work strength in the rotator cuff and scapular muscles.⠀
[2] GOBLET SQUAT & PRESS - if you keep your elbows tight this drill is much harder than it looks. Go light and press arms as far overhead as you can. You'll feel your upper back working hard to get taller as you press.⠀
[3] Z PRESS - by stretching our hamstrings we make it difficult to arch the low back. This means the thoracic spine must fight harder to stay upright. This will build great upper back and shoulder strength. If your hamstrings are really tight sit on a bumper plate or low box.⠀
Everyone can practice jerk technique
A. 3 sets of press in split x 5 reps @ empty barbell
B. 3 sets of split jerk x 5 reps with a 3 second pause in the dip and a 3 second pause in the catch
Move into 2 groups:
Strict press- from the floor OR split jerks- from the racks
Strict press 5 sets of 5 reps @ 60%
Split jerks 5 sets of 3 reps @70-75%
"All In"3:00 AMRAP
5 thrusters 135/95 115/75 95/65
15 pull ups - sub ring rows or inverted pulls on a racked barbell
Rest 1:00
3:00 AMRAP
10 thrusters 115/75 95/65 75/55
10 C2B pull ups- sub banded pull ups with a 2-3 second descend (band goes across the rig in the J-hooks, stand on the band and keep a tight position)
Core/gymnastics additional work
tall plank elbow up/downs
air squats or pistols
hollow hold in seconds