Warm Up
3 sets
banded squares- walk around 4 times with mini-band around the ankles
single leg RDLs x 8/side at 31X1
deep squat hold x 30 seconds
PVC prone lift offs x 10
standing hollow pull downs x 15- use the orange or black band
wrist twist grip strength x 12/side https://youtu.be/eho-pJSYTQE
snatch week 1of 8
A. high hang squat snatch - 6 sets of 3
1-2 @ 50%
3-4 @ 60%
5-6 @ 65%
B. halting snatch deadlift- 6 sets of 2
build from 65% to 90%
PVC strength at Home
3 sets of 5 snatch press in the receiving position
2 sets of 10 PVC hang muscle snatch
20 reps PVC platter squats
"Fit in 9"
9:00 AMRAP
21 wall balls 20/14
15 deadlifts
9 burpees over the barbell
barbell recommendations
RX 225/155
Inter 185/125
Sc 135/95
At Home Version
"Fit in 9"
21 single DB thrusters
15 dual DB deadlifts
9 burpees over the DBs