Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
3 sets
quadruped crawl 50 feet- every 10 feet stop and perform 10 alternating plank shoulder taps
15 second chin over the bar hold
10 scap pull ups
15 second bench dip stretch https://youtu.be/IYqqSQmj2FA
10 bench dips

strength - super set A and B and then get in the sHSPU afterwards
A. Bench Press
5 x 8 reps @70%

B. Overhead KB carry- both arms up with weight
3 x 50 yds.

C. sHSPU 4-3-3-3 resting between sets to keep these unbroken
strict hspu from a box 7-7-6-5

6 sets
every 2:30
250m/225m row
12 DB alternating snatches 50/35 35/20