Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
50 feet quadruped reverse crawl
5 each side underswitch to crab reach https://youtu.be/Yrgx959kdME
5 sumo inchworms + push up

one round
3 eccentric pull ups with a 5 second descend
15 each side banded external rotations- orange band on rig
15 banded face pulls

shoulder taps on the wall or a box
shoulder shrugs on the wall or a box

then rest as needed

Strict handstand push ups skills
If you have 3-5 sHSPU then, 4-3-3-2 reps unbroken
If you have 5+ sHSPU, 7-6-5-4 reps unbroken
If you are doing these on a box, 7-7-6-4 reps unbroken

back squats- you can mix in the sHSPU during rest sets of the squats

5 round for time
Run 200m
TTB x 12 reps
Farmer Carry x 150 feet 53/35 each hand

Cool Down week- try this after every class- see how you feel by next week
1. walk around after the wod just focusing on longer exhales
2. legs up against the wall, back on the floor- breathing 4 inhale, 7 hold, 8 exhale
3. 90/90 stretch
4. down dog
5. frog pose with arms extended stretching through the upper body