Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm up

100m run

3 x DB complex
100m run

10/side DB/KB cross chop
100m run
3x DB complex
**DB complex= Ren. Row (left + right) + DB Burpee DL + Hammer Curl - with the hammer curl make sure the elbow stays stable and the back doesn't move. Hold the DB like a hammer (upright).

IYTs prone x 10 each letter with a 3 second squeeze at the top

Gymnastics Core Work
With band for resistance:⁠
Each round you will increase ONLY the V-ups by 5 reps:⁠
*watch V-Up in video on execution - upper body stays in hollow, so it’s more like a “leg lift”⁠
Round 1:⁠
5 sec hold⁠
5 rocks⁠
5 V-Ups⁠
Round 2:⁠
5 sec hold⁠
5 rocks⁠
10 V-Ups⁠
Round 3:⁠
5 sec hold⁠
5 rocks⁠
15 V-Ups⁠
Round 4:⁠
5 sec hold⁠
5 rocks⁠
20 V-Ups⁠

Rest as needed to complete all rounds⁠
*scale numbers appropriately to fitness level.⁠

Snatch warm up- empty barbell- 5 reps of each

1. snatch grip RDLs
2. snatch grip high pulls- from the tall position
3. behind the neck strict press
4. OHS
5. snatch grip deadlift- to the power position, not full extension- keeping shoulders over the bar

second part
1. snatch first pull
2. snatch high pull from below the knee

3. tall snatch
4. snatch balance
5. high hang snatch
6. hang squat snatch below the knee

"Listen Up"
13:00 AMRAP
1 rope climb or 3 strict pull ups
3 squat snatch 135/95 95/65 75/55
15 skaters in total
300m run