Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
2 rounds

200m run or row
5/side plate drop back lunges- one foot on a bumper plate and reverse lunge
20 second/side single leg wall sit
50 feet perfect stretch walk - lunge, forearm on the floor, then thoracic rotation, then straight leg stretch

parallette shoulder extensions x 10 reps
banded glute bridges x 20 reps
banded ankle distraction x 30 seconds each side
wrist stretches x 30- 60 seconds

20 TGU for time (10/side) 53/35 35/26

12-9-6-3 power snatch
3-2-1-1 rope climbs
50m sled pull

RX 95/65 115/85 135/95 155/105
IN 75/55 95/65 105/75 115/85
SC 45/35 65/45 75/55 95/65

*rope climbs sub= up/downs x 2 per 1 climb or burpee pull ups x 2 per 1 climb
sled pull- add two plates to sled