Warm up
3 sets
30 seconds single unders
8 barbell good mornings
20 seconds hollow rocks
8 barbell Kang squats
Barbell warm up
3 reps of everything
high hang clean extension
high hang clean high pull
high hang power clean
high hang squat clean
repeat all movements from the hang position
complete 3 reps of the following
strict press
push press
push jerk
split jerk
A. push jerk behind the neck in split
5 sets of 5 reps- light weights
2 seconds pause in the catch position
B. 5 sets
1 power clean
3 push jerks
C. 5 sets
1 clean & jerk @70-80%
"Run Free"
sled pull sprints
3 rounds
starting at the small dumpster- behind our normal start line
sprint with your sled- about 30 seconds to the fence
return the sled to the start by reverse dragging it back
women add 20# to the sled
men add 50# to the sled
Rest about 2:30-3:00 between rounds
dual DB/KB leg lowers
Dual DB/KB Turkish sit ups
dual DB/KB flutter kicks x 2