Tangletown CrossFit

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10.11.2022 Partner WOD

Warm up
2 sets
Run 200m
Barbell Kang squats x 10 reps
Barbell Clean grip RDLs x 10 reps
Barbell muscle cleans x 10 reps


1. banded front rack stretch x 30 seconds each side
2. wall supported deadbugs x 30 seconds continuous - press hard into the wall
3. supinated band pull aparts x 12 reps with 1-2 second pause at each
4. wrist stretches x 30-60 seconds hitting all positions

6 sets of 1 clean + 2 jerks
1-2 @55%
3-4 @65%
5-6 @75%

"Dream On"

with a partner
12 rounds total
3 clean & jerks @75%
1 ring muscle up or 2 strict pull ups or 3 ring rows

12 rounds total
5 deadlifts @75%
2 wall walks