Tangletown CrossFit

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11.26.2022 Team of 3

Warm Up
Thoracic Flow- coach led

2:00 Cardio
2 sets
10 each side walking lunges
25 feet bear crawl
25 feet inchworms + push ups

2 sets
1. DB Cuban press x 5 reps (light)
2. banded face pulls x 20 reps
3. Y-T-W prone x 6 reps each

Snatch warm up
3 reps of each with empty barbell
1. Slow OHS
2. Sotts press to stand
3. Press to OHS
4. Extension and pull under
5. Snatch from the power position

Team of 3
"Jolly Roger"
3 rounds for time
30 power snatch 115/85 95/65 75/55
2000m row
10 rope climbs or 20 up/downs