02.05.2022 Team of 3
400m row
10 Jefferson curls
10 yoga push ups
5 sets of 1 rep front squat with a 10 second descend and a 10 second hold- start light and add a small amount of weight
in between sets
1. banded ankle distraction x 30 seconds each side
2. calf eccentrics x 8 each side
3. front rack stretch x 30 seconds
4. slow Cossack squats x 8 each side
5. sumo good mornings with plate or KB at your chest x 5 slow reps
"American Kids"
Team of 3
34:00 AMRAP
150/120 cals row
240 deadlifts 155/105
150/120 cals row
180 power cleans 135/95
150/120 cals row
120 shoulder to overhead 115/85
one work, two rest