Tangletown CrossFit

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Warm Up
2 sets
50 single unders
5 prone swimmers
10 each side shoulder taps
15 banded high pulls

A. front rack barbell stretch x 30 seconds
B. Barbell overhead - get tight and stretch back with the bar holding for 3-5 seconds
Do this 4 times.
Flex the quads.
Squeeze the butt.
Tighten down the rib cage.

C. banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds

A. tall jerks 3 sets of 5 reps
B. jerk balance 3 set of 3 reps
C. clean & jerk x 1 rep
sets 1-3 60-75%
sets 4-6 75-85%
sets 7-8 90+%

"Odds Are"
5 rounds for time
10 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
5 burpees over the bar
3 ring or bar muscle ups/3 C2B pull ups