Wendler week 3
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1+ rep @ 95%
10 cals on a machine
empty bar
3 clean grip RDLs
3 clean pulls
3 hang power cleans
3 push press
10 cals on a machine
empty bar
3 snatch grip RDLs
3 snatch pulls
3 behind the neck press
3 hang power snatch
"Chocolate Chip"
Every 3:00 for 6 sets
500/400m row
rounds 1,3,5 - 8 snatches
rounds 2.4.6- 8 clean & jerks
95/65 75/55 45/35
Accessory WOD
12:00 AMRAP
12 x internal rotation diagonal with a band- arm starts at a 90 degree position and internally rotates to center of chest
10 x banded face pull to a Y press- pull band to face and then press out to a Y position
8 x down dogs