Tangletown CrossFit

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04.01.2023 Partner WOD

Warm Up
3 sets
400/300m row
DB hang clean x 5 right
DB strict press x 5 right
DB halos x 5 right
repeat all on the left side
Xiaopeng circles x 5 each direction with small plate
 banded C2B drill x 15 reps

6:00 EMOM
2 power cleans + 1 jerk 
build load- ending at wod weight 
"Nicest Jerks"
with a partner
5 rounds
20 C2B pull ups
5-4-3-2-1 clean & jerk  205/135  185/115  135/95
You can split the pull ups however you like.  Each person needs to do all reps of the C & J.  You can do reps however you like as long as each person has 5 complete in the first round.  This means you can alternate singles, doubles, or do all 5 and then the other person does all 5 reps.