Tangletown CrossFit

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 Strength- super set 3 sets
A. Barbell sumo deadlifts x 8 reps @ RPE 6-7/10
B. RFESS x 12/side, 10/side, 8/side -add weight each set
C. Turkish sit ups x 12/side, 10/side, 8/side- add weight each set

For Time
20 cals on machine of choice
2 sandbag cleans 150/100/70
15 cals
4 sandbag cleans
10 cals
6 sandbag cleans
5 cals
8 sandbag cleans
Shoulder Finisher
Grab a light plate & go for unbroken rounds

10 Plate front raises
20 Plate Steering Wheels (10 per side)
20 Plate around the world (10 per side)
Rest 2min in-between rounds