
Warm UpBike or row 5:00 easy pace

every 1:00 come off the bike/ row and complete 5 push ups

Banded Pec Stretch hold this position for 1:00 T-Spine Opener do this with a foam roller and the post of the rig- pulse the hips 15 reps Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm

Skill:  handstand progressions 1. donkey kicks x 10 reps 2. kicks to the wall x 5 reps 3. handstand hold on wall or free standing- 30 seconds - 60 seconds 4. handstand march on a box- in a pike position, hands on the floor marching and moving the body- 20 reps

then.... Every 45 seconds for 4:30 (6 sets) complete 4 unbroken HSPU- athlete can do strict, kip, or pike from a box or the floor

WOD 4-8--12-16-12-8-4 DB snatch- alternate sides 50/35   35/20 Burpees



