workout of the day
Ugly Sweater Hopper WOD
each wod has a 9:00 time cap
there is a 3:00 transition between wods
you can complete any wod in any order
exercises will be chosen after warm up
once a movement is out of the hopper, it stays out
WOD 1: 3 rounds Triplet
WOD 2: 4 rounds Couplet
WOD 3: 2 rounds Triplet
"Jingle Bells"
11:00 AMRAP
30 DUs + 10 DB power cleans 50/35. 35/20
30 DUs + 10 DB hang squat cleans
30 DUs + 10 DB push press
30 DUs + 10 DB reverse lunges
30 DUs + 10 DB thrusters
Front squat concentric
4 sets of 5 reps @70%
"Jingle Bells"
11:00 AMRAP
30 DUs + 10 DB power cleans 50/35. 35/20
30 DUs + 10 DB hang squat cleans
30 DUs + 10 DB push press
30 DUs + 10 DB reverse lunges
30 DUs + 10 DB thrusters
"Swing and a Miss"
3 rounds for time
21 reps KB swings 53/35
15 reps KB goblet squats. 53/35
9 cals row
A. snatch balance 4 sets of 2 reps- keep light and add load only if you can do it properly
Make this look like a snatch, not a push jerk and a slow overhead squat
Punch under the barbell.
B. hang snatch x 6 sets
set 1-2 @60%
set 3-4 @70%
set 5@ 75%
set 6 @ 75+%
"Swing and a Miss"
3 rounds for time
21 reps KB swings 53/35
15 reps KB goblet squats. 53/35
9 cals row
24:00 EMOM
min 1- 14/12 cals row
min 2- 5/side DB reverse lunges + 5 box jumps. 50/35 35/25 24/20" box
min 3- 3-5 reps gymnastics: BMU, C2B, pull ups
min 4- rest
A. half kneeling press 4 sets of 6/side
B. banded pallof press 4 sets of 10 side
24:00 EMOM
min 1- 14/12 cals row
min 2- 5/side DB reverse lunges + 5 box jumps. 50/35 35/25 24/20" box
min 3- 3-5 reps gymnastics: BMU, C2B, pull ups
min 4- rest
"Beach Bod"
DB bench press 50/35. 35/25
5 sets of 4 reps @70%
Gymnastics Conditioning
8:00 EMOM
odd min- strict handstand push ups x # you pick or seated DB Z press
even min- touch-n-go power cleans x 5 reps- build load starting at 50-55%
"Beach Bod"
DB bench press 50/35. 35/25
"Dive Bomber"
For Time
25/20 bike cals
50 wall balls 20/14
25/20 bike cals
Back squat concentric
4 sets of 3 reps @ 65%
during rest, work on some of the pull up warm up sets
1. hollow body hold on floor and then on rig
Complete 3 sets of 15 seconds hollow body hold
2. scap pull ups
shoulder blades are pulled down in an active posiition- show this on the rig and with PVC
Complete 3 sets of 5 scap pull ups
3. Hollow body hold + scap pull up
Complete 3 sets of 3 hollow body hold + scap pull up
Gymnastics Conditioning
6:00 EMOM
3-5 reps strict pull ups
*too easy- add weight
"Dive Bomber"
For Time
25/20 bike cals
50 wall balls 20/14
25/20 bike cals
with a partner
20 rounds for time- you go, I go by round
3 C2B pull ups or pull ups
3 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
3 box jumps 30/24"
with a partner
20 rounds for time- you go, I go by round
3 C2B pull ups or pull ups
3 power snatch 135/95 115/75 95/65
3 box jumps 30/24"