07.12.17 Strong Man (Woman)

Warm Up:3:00 light rowing or biking With a medicine ball, hug the ball, kneeling tall, stand up and kneel back down with holding on the the MB x 20 reps total then.. 2 Rounds: 3 Samson Stretch on each leg (5 second hold in each) 3 Alternating Spiderman and Reach each side

Modified Barbell Warmup – Empty Barbell 5 Deadlifts 5 Hang Muscle Cleans 5 Strict Presses 5 Good Mornings 5 Snatch Grip Presses 5 Power Snatches 5 Power Cleans

Skill: strict press 8 reps @50% 6 reps @60% 4 reps @70% 2 reps @80% 1 rep @90% 1 rep @90+%

WOD: 'strong man' Accumulate 400m sled drag - add body weight to sled 2 sets of Dual overhead KB/DB carry 100m Rest :60 Heavy KB farmer carry 100m + max stationary hold Rest :60




07.11.17 Air Ball