07.18.17 Heavy Snatch Day

Warm Up:Two sets of: Foam roll thoracic spine x 1:00 Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 8-10 reps

and then . . .

Two sets of: 30 Second Side Plank (left) 30 Second Shoulder circles in the plank position 30 Second Side Plank (right) Rest 15 seconds 30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar Rest 15 seconds Kettlebell Windmill x 5 reps each side - two hands on the KB as you swing it around your waist Rest as needed

Barbell Complex Snatch Grip RDL x 3 reps Snatch Pull x 3 reps Muscle Snatch x 3 reps Behind the Neck Press x 3 reps Overhead Squat x 3 reps Snatch Balance x 3 reps High Hang Snatch x 3 reps Hang Snatch x 3 reps Snatch x 3 reps

*To be performed with an empty barbell

Skill: 20:00 to find your today's heavy (1RM) snatch

WOD 3 RFT 10 Deadlifts 185/135 10 Ring rows 100m run - pylons and back


07.19.17 Lunging in all directions


07.17.17 Full Split