Warm UpLaCrosse Ball smash of traps x 1:00 Foam roll thoracic spine x 1:00 Foam roll quads x 1:00 then.. 2 rounds of 200m run 8 push ups 8 scap pull ups 8 air squats 8 spiderman lunges :20 squat hold
Primer: 3 sets not timed Option 1: 3 pull ups 3 c2b pull ups 3 bar muscle ups
Option 2: 3 kip swings 3 knees to chest 3 TTB
Skill: Back squats set 1: 9 reps at a light weight @ 55-65% set 2: 7 reps at a moderate weight @65-75% set 3: 5 reps at a moderately heavy weight 75-80% set 4: 3 reps at a heavy weight 85+%
WOD: 6 RFT 6 HSPU 9 Front squats 115/75